Wednesday, November 21, 2012

15 weeks old

Happy 15 weeks little Matthew. You are growing more & more each day. I can't believe you will be 4 months old in a week or so. I have yet to miss the movements in my tummy. I think I just love having you here so much. Having you in our lives has been such an incredible blessing. I love you with all my heart. 

Health: We still haven't visited the doctor. A little off side to having a weekly update, is they only see the pediatrician every once in a while (except in the beginning). But on the scale, & then on with him he weighs around 14-15 lbs. He is a little "bruiser" as his Nana says. I think he is around 24-25 inches long. Adam & I have both had a little sinus cold, I haven't heard congestion with Matthew, but it did seem like he had a little mucus cough. I'm hoping he doesn't get it, but everyone around us is sick. Trying to make sure to wash hands, & not kiss on him too much.  We broke out the 6 months clothes today, he must have had a growth spurt OVERNIGHT. 

This would be my ALMOST 4 month old SITTING UP ON HIS OWN. It only lasts about 10 seconds, maybe a little more, but hey, I don't see a lot of babies this age doing that so fast :) He loves being a nakey baby now, before it was an absolute no no. 

Nutrition: This is a tough one. We have stopped using the ItzBeen, & are kind of just going on the "cry when he's hungry". Also, he is throwing up again. We have switched nipple sizes, fed him less, fed him more, we are going to have to talk to a pediatrician about it. But he normally keeps it down pretty well if we leave him alone for a while to let it settle. We tried to switch to the 9 oz bottles, but the weight on the bottle distracts him some how. He likes to hold the small bottles, which he has managed to hold on his own for 20 seconds long now!! I would say he gets 4oz every hour 1/2-2 hours. 

Sleep: We are still sleeping a solid 7-8 hours, how lucky is that. I can't believe he is still sleeping that much. It's been awesome & so peaceful/restful. He normally falls asleep around 12-1 at night & then might wake up around 2-3 when we are still awake, we are night owls & then he will wake back up around 10-11 depending on the noise level or sun coming through the curtains. I would suggest getting black out curtains so there is next to no sun, it REALLY helps. We are still swaddling, we tried the no swaddle last night & he woke up once at like 4 in the morning, so we decided to keep swaddling obviously. 

We went to Scalini's Restaurant & spent our 25$ gift card for having an egg plant Parmesan baby. We got a cute little 18 month tee shirt, surprisingly isn't that huge on him haha. I did NOT have egg plant this time, no way. But if you are pregnant, go to the scalini's website & get the recipe, & or if you have a Scalini's near by, go eat it around 37 weeks, it worked for me 3 hours after eating it, & has worked for 2 other people I know.  

Social:  Now when I kiss him he has a full little conversation with me ooing,cooing, and aaing (if that makes any sense). He loves when we are really close to his face, or sing to him. He loves to act like he is singing along with us. He is doing really well with looking directly at us as soon as we say something. 

Toys:  He reached for a toy the other day for the first time, but that was the only time he did it. He really still is just interested in the sounds that the toys make. We love the really loud ones haha. The vulli teether, crackle elephant, & ring links are his favorite. I already have a lot of Christmas toys for him, he is going to LOVE them. 

We had a break through with the tummy time. No, he hasn't rolled over yet, but we are working on it. BUT, look at this head, it's not flat on the floor anymore, it's UP. I was so excited when I put him down & he just randomly did it the other day. So proud of him. He still really dislikes being on his tummy, so we can't leave him there for long or he gets really mad. He has started a new cry where he gets so worked up that he starts coughing & getting louder & louder just to get our attention. Also, now when we put his pacifier in he grabs our arms & hands & tries to keep them really close & on his chest. 

Yes, it's official, Matthew got his license & is driving in REVERSE. His little feet barely touch the floor, but we figured he loves being up so much that it was probably time to get the walker out. He really likes the horn & the lights/sound. He can only move backwards right now lol. Every time we put him down he instantly tries to sit up, he really dislikes laying down now!! 

Aunt Annie hates pictures, she literally has a phobia of them, she has 5 photos of her in the lat 5 years, only 2 of which you can see her face, which I can't understand because I am obsessed with pictures, but I will leave her alone about it. But hey, at least we got this photo of her & little Matthew. She is so great with him. 

My precious little baby curled in a ball, sleeping on me after we celebrated daddy's birthday. He was pooped from seeing all the friends & family. 

Daddy & Matthew sporting their under Armour outfits :) Von Maur has some really cute baby stuff so if you have one near you, check it out. 

I made this :) It was very difficult getting Matthew's foot print on the ornament. The only advice I have on that is put the glue on their foot, put it on there as best as you can & then fill in the empty spots with glue on the ornament & add glitter till you get it the way you want. 

Here is my next project of the week. I made a shadow box to hang on the wall. This is the outfit Matthew came home in, along with a newborn picture in the corner, & a damask wooden letter "M". I used scrapbook paper for the background & some ribbon, with a hot glue gun. I love it. 

& my last project for the week was embroidering a stocking for Matthew. I knew I wanted it to say his initials or his name, but embroidering turned out to not be that hard so I went ahead & did his whole name. I wanted to choose a stocking that he would like for a while, but knowing me I'll probably keep buying new ones. 

It was Adam's 24th birthday on the 18th. We celebrated at home, his mom made him some roast & I made a cake & we went to Atlanta bread during the day & then watched the American music awards. I got him a work out bag that he wanted, & Matthew got him 100$ to Champs to get some new shoes :)

Adam has been obsessed with his new xbox 360, but now he has grown fond of the WiiU. It's actually a really cool setup, you can play on this little gamer while someone watches something on the same tv you have it hooked up to. Plus you can take a picture of yourself, & then it comes up with a person it thinks looks like you, its pretty funny. 

I made a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake for Adam's birthday. With Andes mints on the top & a total of 24 candles, which was A TON to light & everything was melting in the process. That's whip cream on top!! 


  1. your son is adorable! New fan of your blog :)

  2. Awe look at those long legs in the 1st picture so adorable .. I love all the projects you have worked on :) he is such a stylish baby boy .

  3. Almost 4 months already, wow. He is such a cutie! Glad to hear he is doing well. Kendall loves to be swaddled, she sleeps so much better.

  4. He's so cute! And I'm glad he's being a decent sleeper at 4 months. ;)

  5. Love the shadow box. I really should make one for Claire. It would be neat to look back at her tiny preemie clothes one day. Matthew is getting bigger and so adorable!

  6. Love the shadow box, it looks great! What a wonderful way to preserve his first outfit.

  7. such a sweet baby!

  8. Sweet baby boy! Loving your projects - the shadow box is a wonderful idea, and I love Matthew's little footprints on the ornament! So creative, Katie! xo

  9. he is so cute sitting on his own!
    love the shadow box!

  10. Wow, you are so creative! I love everything you made, and that cake looks delicious! Matthew's hair with his little side part is so adorable.

  11. Your little man just has the cutest outfits. And that hair... Oh my!!! I love it!
