My little hunk is 27 weeks old. I apologize for not being able to get a picture of him looking at me with the chalkboard, but literally after 20 minutes I had to give up. Every time I pulled it away, he grabbed it, & watched it. He could/would not keep his hands off it.
Nutrition: Matthew is taking 5 ounces of Gerber Good Start Gentle Formula every 2-4 hours, I know that's a wide time span, but it really just depends when he feels like he wants it. He is able to hold the big/small bottles on his own which has made it a lot easier on us. He also takes 1-2 ounces of solid food 2-3 times a day. Generally during breakfast, lunch & dinner times. We like to do the veggies early, & fruits later. After Matthew's 6 month appointment the other day, we got the O.K to try Puffs & little chunks of food. This is Matthew with Puffs & bananas. We are using the organic Publix brand puffs. He was a little confused, but was actually getting them into his mouth, the banana was messy.

Nutrition Continued: This was Matthew's first time trying broccoli. He didn't not like it, but I don't think telling by his facial expressions that it was his favorite. At least he finished it lol. Matthew has now tried Bananas, Apples, Pears, Mango, Sweet potato, Squash, Zucchini, Avocado, Peaches, Carrots, Broccoli, Peas, Celery, Rice Cereal, Oatmeal, Puffs, Rice Rusks (Mum Mums), I think that is it. I'm excited to start introducing things like Chicken & Yogurt (coming soon). I think Matthew may be allergic to sweet potatoes judging by his gassyness, crying, runny nose, & throw up. I'm going to hold off on those for a while. His little cheeks are red in the picture above from him taking a nap. Also, I love this bib, it covers his shoulders & almost his whole arm which makes it less of a clean up. Our sheet says that we can give him water & juice in a sippy cup now, anyone have a specific juice they recommend, or a way to get them used to the sippy cup? Matthew just chews on it.
Health: Matthew had his 6 month checkup this week. Not only did he get a shot in each leg, but they pricked his little toe. They were checking his iron, which they had to check a second time after the first one came back as an 11, & it's supposed to be a 12 or something. Whatever they said, he was a level under normal both times, so now we are going to use the Enfamil Multi Vitamin w/ Iron drops everyday for a month to get his levels back up. Adam's mom is iron deficient, so maybe it runs in the family? Everything else was right on target though & our pediatrician made a sweet comment that he was smart for his age. I'm very thankful that Matthew hasn't had a cold or anything yet, lets hope to get through the sicky season.
Weight: Just under 18 lbs
Height: 26 inches
Weight: Just under 18 lbs
Height: 26 inches
Honestly, I can't even watch when Matthew gets shots. I literally hold his hand & look away or Adam takes over. I have a phobia of shots & I can't stand to watch Matthew get them. This time he didn't cry as hard, or nearly as much as the last time, but he still cried, the mum mums just helped him stop. He is still fussy & its been a day or two since he got them. I know its his little legs, poor baby. I don't like giving him Tylenol but I want him to feel better. Does anyone else save their little one's band aids?! I do, for his scrapbook :)
Sleep: Matthew is sleeping next to us in the nap nanny still. This is how we woke up to him a couple days ago. He is not supposed to be doing this lol. He is supposed to be facing up, and facing the other direction. We didn't buckle him in because we had his body swaddled & didn't want to wake him up. His little feet are hanging off the edge. He really likes sleeping on his tummy now, he used to scream every time we put him on his tummy. I love having him right next to me though, we tried the pack n play & it worked, but I still wanted him right next to me. He is sleeping anywhere from 8-12 hours at night. We do have little hiccups here & there, but I'm just glad we get a lot of sleep. Honestly, I think it's because we don't go to bed till 2, we are night owls & so is he, if we went to bed at 9 he would probably wake up twice like everyone else, but since we go to bed at 2, he only wakes up once in the morning & goes right back to sleep. He sleeps with his paci, sound machine, & sleep sack/or body swaddled.
Toys: Matthew is loving his new toy. It was on sale at Target for 50$, so I grabbed it because after reading a few other blogs, everyone seemed to like this around 6 & 7 months. Plus, I have friends who have two year olds that still like it. A toy that lasts a while, perfect!! He is pretty wobbly when he stands, but really likes to stand up now. He is OBSESSED with electronics, I don't know if its the same with all babies but if Matthew catches the slightest look of a phone, iPad computer he will launch his whole body to get to it. Whether it means throwing his body off a couch or bed he is going to take the risk!! Even the slightest glimpse and he is gone in .5 seconds its absolutely crazy. How do they even know how to tell the difference between an object that isn't an electronic & one that is? He loves his ball popper, cousins v-tech laptop, & anything he can just shove into his mouth. The sound toys are the best. He has now started army crawling to get to things he wants, its so cute. He will get in the crawling stance & shake back & forth & then fall to his tummy & use one arm & one leg to army crawl to his destination.
Brown Bear Book & Onsie Carters last season
He loves reading time. I'm not sure what book is his favorite, but he really lights up when I read him this one by Eric Carle. I remember liking it when I was little, so I'm sure he will too. He laughs when I read it, & tries to grab it out of my hand so he can chew on it. He does a little butt bouncing now when he gets excited its adorable. I really like the card board books & the plastic/rubbery ones, the paper ones SUCK. The one we have that I read to him, he tried to rip it or did, I cant remember. This is the chevron blanket that I made him :) I feel like its so important to read to him, I feel like it really helps him learn & understand more each time.
Social: This little jabber box goes on & on all day. His new word skills are making "b" sounds. He says "mamamammomomomamama" so on. For the last two days he has been screaming at the top of his lungs, randomly, & sometimes will do it for 5 minutes long, its not a cry, its just a flat out scream. It's seriously ear piercing. Does anyone else's child do this? He likes to "walk" to us & he is bearing weight on his legs now. By walking I mean, with us holding his hands, but he makes the steps all on his own, he is army crawling towards us some times, mainly just to toys, whipping his head around when we call his name, crying when we walk away, grabbing our faces & "pulsing his hand" on our skin, like grabbing us over & over again, it's really precious. He has a little scratch on the opening of his mouth on his right side in this picture, not sure from what or when, it's gone now, but when he had it we kept saying "lets put a smile on that face" from Batman.
Clothing: Matthew is wearing size 6 months. The 6-12 month Old Navy/Gap is a little big on him, but he is wearing a lot of it. I feel like the 9 month Carter stuff is the same size as the 6-12 month Gap/Old Navy stuff, so I'm just going to continue to put him in it till he grows into it more. If I find 6 month, just plain 6 month stuff I always grab it, it normally fits perfectly. He is wearing size 4 diapers, we bought a value box of Pampers this time. We won't be doing that again. All the other Pampers we have bought in the past, in smaller sizes we had no problem with. But for some reason these size 4 Pampers felt extremely cheap & started ripping when we closed them. So we are going to stick with Huggies for now on.
Clothing: Matthew is wearing size 6 months. The 6-12 month Old Navy/Gap is a little big on him, but he is wearing a lot of it. I feel like the 9 month Carter stuff is the same size as the 6-12 month Gap/Old Navy stuff, so I'm just going to continue to put him in it till he grows into it more. If I find 6 month, just plain 6 month stuff I always grab it, it normally fits perfectly. He is wearing size 4 diapers, we bought a value box of Pampers this time. We won't be doing that again. All the other Pampers we have bought in the past, in smaller sizes we had no problem with. But for some reason these size 4 Pampers felt extremely cheap & started ripping when we closed them. So we are going to stick with Huggies for now on.
Even the house was a little festive for Valentines day this year. We had the fire place decorated with a pretty banner & the windows had some gel clings on them. I love decorating & I love holidays. They are so much fun.

I went all out this year, since last year we didn't really celebrate Valentines day because things were very hectic this time of year last year. I ATTEMPTED to make Adam a heart shaped breakfast with bananas & eggs, fail. & I also made heart shaped cupcakes, which was also a fail. The saddest part is that I made the cupcakes in a already pre formed heart shaped cupcake pan & they still look like shit. Go figure. It's an A for effort, right?!
Me sporting the very festive Valentines Day apron & baking my cupcakes :) This apron made me look a little large lol. I had fun being so festive though & making some yummy goodies.
I adore this mustache bag, I picked it up to put Adam's 2 year anniversary present in it :) The little bag with stickers on it is Snickers toy I got here :) We couldn't leave our other little baby out of the present opening. Snickers got a mustache/lip dog toy & Adam got some shirts he wanted!!
Isn't that little mailbox the cutest thing? I snagged that at Target to put a letter to Matthew in. I know he can't read it, but I'm going to stick it in his scrap book :) This is Adam's little heart shaped bucket of goodies. Of course 2 bottles of Crown Royal since he never really drinks & I know this is his favorite, Pez, memo pad, guitar chocolate, Russel Stover chocolates, Godiva chocolates & a picture of Matthew & I.
Matthew's little bucket was my favorite. I got him the book "Hug Time", the book "Snuggle Puppy", a little stuffed puppy & a wooden Iphone Teether w/ his name on the back & he LOVES it. All inside an XOXO glittery bucket :)

As for my goodies.... I got a lovely huge box of Russel Stover chocolates, a 100$ giftcard to Forever 21, a dozen roses & see below....

AN ENGAGMENT RING!! I'm finally engaged to the man of my dreams, the father of my child, & my best friend. I was defiantely suprised when he asked me the night before Valentines Day in our neighborhood while we were on a walk. He was SO nervous & made me close my eyes. I was totally blushing. I'm so glad we were alone, I told him he better not do it in front of people, so I'm extremely glad he didn't lol. It made it so much more special :) I'm beyond excited & happy. Time to start wedding planning. But first we must start 1st birthday planning!!
Matthew was so excited. Well, he took daddy's bucket & his one after another & spilled them all over the place lol. Then he started chewing on the cards & grabbed his Iphone teether right away.
Wooden I phone Teether
One of my favorite blogs to read is Little Miss Momma Molly. Her little guy is a few months older than Matthew & I saw she had gotten this little teether. I thought it was worth a try, Matthew hasn't let go of it all day. He absolutely LOVES it. This may be the perfect teething toy, don't quote me though.
One of my favorite blogs to read is Little Miss Momma Molly. Her little guy is a few months older than Matthew & I saw she had gotten this little teether. I thought it was worth a try, Matthew hasn't let go of it all day. He absolutely LOVES it. This may be the perfect teething toy, don't quote me though.
Daddy showing Mathew a picture of him & me. He wanted to hold it :) As you can see there was a mess to be cleaned after Matthew got into everything.
Snickers isn't a genius when it comes to gift unwrapping, but she tried. When I handed it to her, she backed away real fast like I was going to punish her or something, or it was a dangerous object. I haven't seen her play with it today, maybe she doesn't like it lol.
Onsie Old Navy
I think Matthew had a wonderful first Valentines day. Lots of attention & lots of goodies. I can't wait to read him his new books :) Matthew had lots of Valentines day attire!! We decided to let him wear some throughout the week & this one be his main Valentines day one.
I love this onsie. Seriously best purchase ever. He is such a stud in it. Head over to African Llama blog & check out the maker of this wonderful onsie. She makes all kinds of holiday ones & her little girl is adorable!!
Onsie Target
My little heart breaker :)
My little heart breaker :)
My favorite picture this week. I made these little jeans for him, just sewed on some heart patches. His shirt is from last season Gap. He still has his little toe band aid on, poor little guy.

One of my other favorite blogs to follow is Diesel In Bloom. She was asked to make a project using DecoArt & She chose to make some pants that look just like these ones. She has the tutorial on her blog. I just used a fabric marker, because I was at Target & it was a last minute decision & they didn't have fabric paint. It took a lot longer & it's not as pretty, but I still love them.
I even Valentine's'd my nails up :) Using my favorite nail polish the Matte About You by Essie. It makes any nail polish Matte!!
I also got all fancied up to go out to dinner with my new FIANCE. I can't believe he isn't my boyfriend anymore. It feels so much more right saying fiance, I'm so excited & happy :) He is such a great guy & an unbelievable father.

Our first date night without Matthew since he was born. I sure missed my little guy, but it was nice to get out & spend some alone time with Adam. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. Of course, we got some cheesecake & we shared our meals since we both liked each other's meals!!
Congratulations, Katie! Your ring is beautiful and what a sweet and intimate way to propose! :) Have a blast wedding planning!!!
ReplyDeleteAgh congratulations Katie!! So so exciting. Happy planning girly and all the best :)
ReplyDeleteAww congrats! Thats amazing news! Can't wait to start reading about your wedding planning.
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!!!!!!! How exciting :)
ReplyDeleteMatthew is beyond handsome :) & we go for our 6 month check up next week so I'm pretty excited to start her on some puffs and juice!
Congratulations! :) Gorgeous ring!!
ReplyDeletecongratulations !!! Girl could our lives be any more parallel?! Baby boys in August and now wedding planning?! Enjoy every single minute !!
ReplyDeleteOh and about your pampers issue. It looks like you got Pampers Baby Dry and they aren't great I hate them as well. Pampers Cruisers are wonderful for the Size 4 unless you can find Pampers Swaddlers which are my favorite but they are usually only carried in Size 3 and below.
ReplyDeleteI don't think your Valentines day could have gotten any better! How exciting, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteok, so much to say haha, congratulations on the engagement! your ring is so pretty!
ReplyDeletelove M's wooden iphone, how cool!
he looks adorable in a bow tie
Lucas is also obsessed with ipads and phones hahah must be the glare of the screen i guess!
Look at your little heartbreaker...and YAY congrats on your engagement! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your engagement! And your little peanut is absolutely adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteYour little guy is so adorable, he has so much hair! And congrats on the engagement, so exciting!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! Thats wonderful! And So exciting!!! I can't wait to see some of your wedding planning!
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question from above, Grace likes to scream and let everyone hear her too! Especially when we are out somewhere.
First off, congratulations about the engagement! I know I don't know you in person, but I got excited when I read that! Second, about sippy cups, it took a lot of tries finding the right one for Ian. I would just suggest buying one letting him try it out for a week or so, if he doesn't like it then try another one. They will chew on them as they get used to them. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS!!! Soooooo exciting!!! Your ring is beautiful, too - princess cut is the best! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! So exciting!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations mama! He is so adorable & it looks like you had a wonderful V-Day ❤
ReplyDeleteCongratulations & happy valentines to your little family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Katie! Beautiful ring for a beautiful girl.
ReplyDeleteYour little one is so cute! I love that orange-brown carters onesie, I have the same, but for my girl that is coming soon :)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, and congratulations :)
ReplyDeleteWow, congratulations!! I can't imagine how excited you must be :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I nannied, we got the little boy to drink out of a sippy by putting his milk in it first. We used a soft spout transition sippy cup. I think nuk and nuby make some good ones